Your prayers for our children and ministries are your most valued contribution. Additionally, you can help sustain our ministries through your gifts. Your support will allow us to fulfill our mission to educate and to disciple our children to become spiritually mature followers of Jesus Christ. All your designated donations are used to provide for the physical, educational, and spiritual needs of children in our supported orphanages and ministries. An integral aspect of our mission is to properly equip and train children for life after the orphanage. EF places education as a high priority, from basic grammar school to university. In many cases, unfortunate circumstances have deprived our children of a proper education prior to arriving in our orphanages. EF is privileged to have the opportunity to aid the educational growth of these students. All of the children at the orphanages, if able, attend local grammar schools, jr. high schools, high schools, technical schools, and even colleges. They learn language arts, mathematics, English, and other disciplines that will help them succeed in life.
From all of us at Elijah Foundation, we want to thank you so much for your consideration of our ministries. Your prayers and gifts allow us to continue in our ministries in a consistent manner.